• Welcome to DrimMax

    With our team of highly skilled designers offering functionality, flexibility and reliability that is of carrier class capability, DrimMax is open to series of web and graphic based programmes from organisations, agencies, media houses, and to the public at large. We have been recognised by our partners and peers as a credible computer services cloud for every client profile. Our global reach with dedicated local presence helps define our multicultural approach and dedication to excellence.

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    DrimMax provides solutions and services to both enterprises and individuals. All our solutions and services are designed and developed in-house by our team of highly skilled industry specialists offering functionality, flexibility and reliability that is of carrier class capability.

    What we offer

    • Web Designing and Hosting
    • Graphic Designs
    • Digital Marketing and Advertising
    • System Monitoring and Surveillance
    • Consultation
  • About

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    DrimMax is located in Lagos to offer unlimited opportunities to those in need of our services.

    We provide solutions and services to both enterprises and individuals. All our solutions and services are designed and developed in-house by our team of highly skilled industry specialists.

    Our Mission

    With a drive for excellence, motivation for change, purpose for reaching incredible heights, DrimMax is poised at achieving tremendous feats in the world of creativity.

    Our Focus

    To create an enabling environment for optimum creativity - A fountain of creativity. To bring together a dynamic team of professionals with great passion for the technology and Design. To re-engineer productions and designs in Nigeria with the sole purpose of comparing favourably with the best in the world.

  • Social

    DrimMax is located in Lagos to offer unlimited opportunities to those in need of our services, but you can always find us on the following social networks. Like our page on facebook, follow us on twitter, and others.

  • Portfolio

  • Contact Information

    Contact DrimMax and we will get back to you soonest. Talk to us about anything, we are always here to listen.

    Send us a message!

    Mailing Address

    9, Oga Nla Street,
    Ikorodu, Lagos.

    University of Lagos
    Lagos, Nigeria.

    Phone: +2349039206855
    Email: info@drimmax.com